Meeting with Cuban trade unions (and cigars) marks end of visit

Lilian Macer (left) meeting CTC members
Lilian Macer (left) meeting CTC members

The delegation met with members of the SNTAP, UNISON’s sister public administration union and the Workers Central Union of Cuba (CTC).

The CTC is the trade union federation and we met members of the local CTC in Pinar del Rio district. Many unions are active in this area as part of the joint union movement. Trade union membership is voluntary and 96% of the workforce is unionised the other 4% have that option and benefit from the joint union strategy.

CigarsThe Cuban cigar industry is alive an growing. This delegate witnessed workers in action producing the best cigars in the world. Enjoy! I did.

Finally I sign off my blog with some beautiful views of this incredible country.

Notice the hand painted cliff which took almost two years to complete. Stunning.

Also a traditional Cuban house built from the bamboo trees which grow wild all over the island.

Sam Macartney signing off. Hope you enjoyed the blog.

Painted cliffBamboo house

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